Breastfeeding is best for babies

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By clicking the continue button, you will be able to view information about Similac infant milks and other products. If you choose to proceed, you are accepting that Similac is supplying this information at your individual request for information purposes. Please consult a healthcare professional to make an informed choice on feeding your baby milks & weaning onto solid foods.

Breastfeeding is best for babies and provides many benefits. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast and bottle feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of your own breast milk, and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. The social and financial implications of using an infant milk should be considered. Improper use of an infant milk or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard. If you use an infant milk, you should follow manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully – failure to follow the instructions may make your baby ill.

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