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Managing cow’s milk allergy

This section covers the latest recommendations from the International Milk Allergy in Primary Care (iMAP) guideline on how to identify, diagnose and support infants with CMA as early as possible


Identifying initial presentation of CMA

CMA is an immune-mediated response to proteins in cow’s milk that can be IgE-mediated or non-IgE-mediated, depending on how the immune system reacts.1,2 Both types can present diverse clinical symptoms, which can vary in severity and speed of onset.1,2

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Assessing infants with suspected CMA

The iMAP guideline encourages early recognition of CMA, which should be achieved through a physical examination and taking a thorough allergy-focused clinical history.2-4

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Diagnosing and managing infants with suspected CMA

The diagnosis of suspected CMA can only be confirmed or excluded by an allergy test or a reintroduction trial of dietary cow’s milk protein.2,4

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best for infants and is recommended for as long as possible during infancy. Alimentum and EleCare are infant formulas for special medical purposes and should only be used under the recommendation or guidance of a healthcare professional.

CMA: cow’s milk allergy; IgE: immunoglobulin E; iMAP: International Milk Allergy in Primary Care.


IE-SIMILAC-2100003 February 2021