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Nutrition and early immunity

Nutrition in early life may affect long-term
development of the immune system

Discover more about how the components of breast milk, including 2’-FL, can influence early infant immunity


What makes breast
milk so special?

Breast milk contains several factors which help infants build their own immune system after birth.1 Learn more about the risks of immune challenges that could be faced by infants who don’t benefit from the immune support provided by breast milk.

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The role of 2’-FL in supporting infant immunity

Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are the 3rd most abundant solid component of breast milk,2 with 2’-FL being the most abundant form in most mothers’ milk.3

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is best for infants and is recommended for as long as possible during infancy. Alimentum and EleCare are infant formulas for special medical purposes and should only be used under the recommendation or guidance of a healthcare professional.

2’-FL: 2’-fucosyllactose.


IE-SIMILAC-2100003 February 2021