References: 1. Vandenplas Y, et al. Benef Microbes 2015;6(2):199-208. 2. Xinias I, et al. Hippokratia 2015;19(1):11-19.
This website is intended for SA healthcare professionals only
This website is intended for SA healthcare professionals only
Information for healthcare professionals about the
Similac infant formulas.
Information about Abbott's Similac infant formulas.
Constipation can be defined as ‘difficult or rare defecation lasting for at least 2 weeks. Hard stools are often seen with change from breastmilk to infant formula to solids.1
9.2% of formula-fed infants ˂ 4 months old experience harder stools and between 0.7% - 29.6% of infants worldwide experience constipation.1,2
Symptoms of constipation include:1
Fig. 3. Management of infant constipation.
PEG: polyethylene glycol; pHF: Partially hydrolysed formula; eHF:: Extensively hydrolysed formula; CMPA: cow's milk protein allergy; suppo: suppository; Ped GI: pediatric gastroenterologist.
References: 1. Vandenplas Y, et al. Benef Microbes 2015;6(2):199-208. 2. Xinias I, et al. Hippokratia 2015;19(1):11-19.