Tips when formula feeding

While some babies will take to their new specialist formula straight away without any complaints, it is also very normal that babies are not so keen on their formula at first.

Most babies under the age of four months will readily accept this change, but some babies can struggle with the different smell and/or taste of a hypoallergenic formula, compared to what they are used to.1

Here are some helpful tips if you are having trouble introducing formula into your baby’s diet:1-3

  • Introduce gradually – over several days, mixing it with their usual milk until they get used to it (under the supervision of a healthcare professional)
  • Feed them when they are happy – a hungry baby can be cranky and may not want to accept formula
  • Try different teats, temperatures, positions and people – your baby might take some time to get used to formula feeding and likewise for you to find what works best
  • Let them guide you – just like you, your baby’s appetite will be dictated by their mood, their activity and their energy levels. Be aware of the signs of hunger and satisfaction

Hypoallergenic formula can also be introduced to your baby as part of a recipe. For recipe ideas, click here.


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